地址: | 河北省泊头市道东街88号 |
电话: | 0317-8185077 |
0317-8263980 | |
0317-8223128 | |
传真: | 0317-8265584 |
E-mail: | hbydby@126.com |
沥青输送泵NYP110-RU-T2-W11高粘度泵配XWD11KW-7-13流量7.3m3/h,压力0.8Mpa | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
发布时间:2015-1-4 14:40:04 点击次数:211 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
沥青是由不同分子量的碳氢化合物及其非金属衍生物组成的黑褐色复杂混合物,呈液态,是一种防水防潮和防腐的有机胶凝材料。用于涂料、塑料、橡胶等工业以及铺筑路面等。 Asphalt is composed of different molecular weight hydrocarbons and non-metallic derivatives of dark brown complex mixture, a liquid, is a kind of waterproof and moistureproof and anticorrosive organic cementing materials.Used in coatings, plastic, rubber and other industrial and paved road, etc.
中文名 沥青Chinese name asphalt
CAS登录号8052-42-4The CAS login number 8052-42-4
EINECS登录号232-490-9EINECS registration number 232-490-9
熔 点 485Melting point 485
沸 点 <470℃Boiling point < 470 ℃
水溶性不溶于水Water soluble does not dissolve in water
密 度 1.15-1.25Dense degree of 1.15 to 1.25
外 观半固体或液体状态Outside view half solid or liquid state
闪 点204.4Flash point 204.4
危险性描述健康危害:中等毒性Describe health hazard risk: medium toxicity
来 源煤和石油To the source of coal and oil
成 分沥青质和树脂Into asphaltene and resin
含 量99.48%Containing 99.48%
爆炸下限 30(g/立方厘米)The lower explosive limit (30 g/cm3)
导电性能绝缘体(常温下)Conductivity insulator (room temperature)
沥青属于憎水性材料,它不透水,也几乎不溶于水、丙酮、乙醚、稀乙醇,溶于二硫化碳、四氯化碳、氢氧化钠。沥青及其烟气对皮肤粘膜具有刺激性,有光毒作用和致癌作用。我国三种主要沥青的毒性:煤焦沥青>页岩沥青>石油沥青,前二者有致癌性。沥青的主要皮肤损害有:光毒性皮炎,皮损限于面、颈部等暴露部分;黑变病,皮损常对称分布于暴露部位,呈片状,呈褐-深褐-褐黑色;职业性痤疮;疣状赘生物及事故引起的热烧伤。此外,尚有头昏、头胀,头痛、胸闷、乏力、恶心、食欲不振等全身症状和眼 、鼻、咽部的刺激症状。Asphalt is hydrophobic material, it impermeable, almost insoluble in water, dilute ethanol, acetone, ether, soluble in carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, sodium hydroxide.Asphalt and flue gas of skin mucous membrane irritation, has the light effect and the effect that cause cancer.China's three major asphalt toxicity: coal tar > > oil shale asphalt asphalt, before both have carcinogenicity.The main skin lesions are: asphalt light contact dermatitis, skin confined to the face, neck and other exposed parts;Melanosis, skin lesions often symmetrical distributed in the exposed parts, plate shaped, brown - deep brown - brown-black;Occupational acne;Verrucous vegetations and the accident cause thermal burns.In addition, there are dizziness, head bilges, headache, chest tightness, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite and other systemic symptom and eye, nose, pharynx and irritation.
煤焦沥青Coal tar
煤焦沥青是炼焦的副产品,即焦油蒸馏后残留在蒸馏釜内的黑色物质。它与精制焦油只是物理性质有分别,没有明显的界限,一般的划分方法是规定软化点在26.7℃(立方块法)以下的为焦油,26.7℃以上的为沥青。煤焦沥青中主要含有难挥发的蒽、菲、芘等。这些物质具有毒性,由于这些成分的含量不同,煤焦沥青的性质也因而不同。温度的变化对煤焦沥青的影响很大,冬季容易脆裂,夏季容易软化。加热时有特殊气味;加热到260℃在5小时以后,其所含的蒽、菲、芘等成分就会挥发出来。Coal tar is a by-product of coking, namely tar distillation residue in distillation kettle black material.It has respectively with refined tar is only physical properties, there is no clear boundaries, is the way of dividing rules softening point in commonly 26.7 ℃ (cube method) for tar, under 26.7 ℃ above for asphalt.Coal tar mainly contains difficult volatilization of anthracene, phenanthrene, pyrene, etc.These substances have toxic, because the content of these compounds is different, the properties of coal tar are so different.The change of temperature has much effect on the coal tar, winter easy embrittlement, summer is easy to soften.Heating from time to tome special smell;Heated to 260 ℃ after 5 hours, its composition such as anthracene, phenanthrene, pyrene will evaporate.
石油沥青是原油蒸馏后的残渣。根据提炼程度的不同,在常温下成液体、半固体或固体。石油沥青色黑而有光泽,具有较高的感温性。由于它在生产过程中曾经蒸馏至400℃以上,因而所含挥发成分甚少,但仍可能有高分子的碳氢化合物未经挥发出来,这些物质或多或少对人体健康是有害的。Petroleum asphalt is after crude distillation residue.Depending on the degree of refining, into a liquid, semi-solid or solid at room temperature.Petroleum pitch dark and luster, has higher heat resistance.Because it had distillation in the production process to more than 400 ℃, thus contained little volatile component, but may still have high polymer without volatile hydrocarbons, which more or less is harmful to human health.
天然沥青Natural asphalt
天然沥青储藏在地下,有的形成矿层或在地壳表面堆积。这种沥青大都经过天然蒸发、氧化,一般已不含有任何毒素。Natural asphalt storage in underground, some forming seam or piled up in the earth's crust surface.The asphalt mostly through the natural evaporation and oxidation, generally do not contain any poison.
沥青材料分为地沥青和焦油沥青两大类。地沥青又分为天然沥青和石油沥青,天然沥青是石油渗出地表经长期暴露和蒸发后的残留物;石油沥青是将精制加工石油所残余的渣油,经适当的工艺处理后得到的产品。焦油沥青是煤、木材等有机物干馏加工所得的焦油经再加工后的产品。工程中采用的沥青绝大多数是石油沥青,石油沥青是复杂的碳氢化合物与其非金属衍生物组成的混合物。通常沥青闪点在240℃~330℃之间,燃点比闪点约高3℃~6℃度,因此施工温度应控制在闪点以下。Asphalt material divided into two categories, pitch and bitumen.Asphalt is divided into natural asphalt and petroleum asphalt, natural bitumen is oil seepage surface after long exposure and evaporation residue;Petroleum asphalt is a residual of residual oil will be refined processing, after appropriate processing products.Bitumen is coal, wood and other organic matter carbonization processing tar after reprocessing of products.Engineering used in the asphalt is the vast majority of asphalt, asphalt is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with nonmetal derivatives.Usually asphalt flash point between 240 ℃ ~ 330 ℃, flash point is higher than flash point about 3 ℃ ~ 6 ℃ degrees, so the construction temperature should be controlled below the flash point.v 沥青输送泵是容积式内啮合齿轮泵,主动齿轮(外转子)带动被动齿轮(内转子)旋转时,不断产生封闭的空间,在吸油区齿轮逐渐脱离啮合而液体不断地充满齿间并被带到出油区,齿轮在出油区进入啮合时液体被排出。两个旋转齿轮的共同作用,形成一个稳定的体积排量,没有脉动。由于泵是完全对称的,泵可以反转,液流方向也随之改变。但应注意,泵的转向可能受到密封或泵内其它结构的限制,用户有反转要求时应在订货时做出说明。 该泵结构简单,适用范围广,可以输送高粘度和低粘度的各种液体,最高输送粘度可达500000cst。温度范围自-40— 不同的使用条件,泵的结构形式可能不同,具体应用请向厂家或本公司客户代表咨询。需要指出的是泵的转速愈高,泵的磨损愈严重,液体中如含有磨料物质,泵的材料应选用耐磨材质,在此种工况下,泵的压力和转速都应降低,高温条件下,则应增加泵的间隙,并采用耐热材料 。